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CV Builder but Better!

Type about yourself, get a CV. Didn’t like it? Recieve improvements, type desired improvements. Get a CV. Repeat until satisfied.

Wanted to develop an application that can take user input and output a decently formatted CV. Delved into the Microsoft’s Guidance which can “format” LLM outputs. Experimented with Streamlit, which was very cool, me think so.

Didn’t implement different CV templates since it’s a highly subjective topic. Even having a picture on a CV is a controversial topic.

The most important shortcoming of this project is that it will generate a CV that is suited for a software developer. Making it more general is a future goal.

Speaking of shortcomings, you need a OpenAI API key to use this project. Generating one good looking, long CV costs around 0.01 USD but I can’t afford to pay for everyone’s CVs. :^)

How to use

docker run -d -e OPENAI_API_KEY=YOUR_TOKEN  \
    -p 8501:8501 ghcr.io/doneforaiur/cvbbb:main

Then go to http://localhost:8501 and start typing.

Listened to these bangers while developing this project: