Ahoy Townspeople #003
Ahoy, ahoy, ahoy! Third time’s the charm. This two weeks have been a bit of a blur, time flies when you’re in the integration hell.
Arabic speakers mix numbers with their letters when writing. I’ve always wondered why. In short, it’s because the Arabic script is an abjad, a writing system where each symbol represents a consonant, the numbers represent sounds not easily expressed with the Latin alphabet. Here’s a longer explanation.
You can hear your own voice as other people hear it by putting two pieces of paper (or your hands) in front of your ears and talking. Very strange.
I was struggling to get the mechanical escapement mechanism to work in my clock design. While I was battling the integration hell, YouTube taunted me with a beautiful electronic clock design. I’d highly recommend checking it out.
Speaking of escapements, I found a great resource that explains the different types of mechanical escapements. I mean, look at them! They’re beautiful.
Also, while I was messing around aerosolized bleach for my bleach fabric dye experiments, I figured out I can use halftone patterns to create a gradient of colors instead of a solid color. I found a great tool that generates halftone patterns from images.
Theres nothing more permanent than the temporary fix that works. - Chris Boden
This god damn game ruined 3 days of my life. Territorial.io.
Worked on a mechanical clock escapement mechanism. Will write about it soon.
Bought Hell Let Loose. Oh boy, it’s a good game especially when you find a squad that communicates. You can hear the bells of the church in the distance, the artillery shells whizzing by, the machine guns rattling, the tanks rumbling. Would recommend - if you love seeing “Killed in Action” on your screen every 3 minutes. :^)
Still didn’t finish Silo. Making progress here and there though.