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New Toys!

Recently I’ve bought a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W and a Radxa Rock Pi 4 SE. I already configured my HTTP server, so you propably can see this page from a Pi. :^)

Initially I was planning on using the Pi Zero as a portable computer that I can SSH or VNC into my desktop computer from anywhere until 1 week later after I bought the Pi Zero, I came across a super cheap Rock Pi 4 and couldn’t resist the temptation. Played around with the Pi 4 and overclocked it so it needs a fan and a case now. So I designed it, welp heavily modified a case design from Thingiverse. Here’s the design;

Rock Pi 4 SE case design from an angle. Rock Pi 4 SE case design from above.

With the help of my boss, Yavuz, and his 3D printer, I will print the case and see how it goes. It will have a fan and a heatsink, it’ll be great!

Now that I have two Pis, I will use the Pi 4 as a media center/portable computer and the Pi Zero as a home sensor hub and a HTTP server. I want to monitor humidity, temperature and CO2 levels of my room. I also have a NodeMCU based lamp, I’ll have to port my code from Arduino to MicroPython. I also want to build a NodeMCU alarm clock/lamp for my girlfriend. We’ll see. :^)

15/11 Update!

3D printed Rock Pi 4 SE case.

It’s finally ready, baby! Installed 3 heatsinks and a fan and it’s ready to go. Also bought a DH11, MQ135, some NTC thermistors and some LDR sensors. Also, fiddling with installing a mail server on the Pi Zero, so you might find me at mayor@mirza.town pretty soon. :^)

I’m not sure if my Rock Pi is somewhat “special” but the documentation for it is kind of crap. The OS linked in the official downloads page is for Rock Pi 4B while it is under Rock Pi 4 SE section, weird. If you ever buy a Rock Pi 4 SE, use this GitHub repo instead.

22/11 Update!

While I was at it, I also bought an Elegoo Neptune 4 Pro 3D printer. I was considering buying a Ender 2 Pro - which is almost one third of the price of the Neptune - but succumbed to the temptation of a bigger build volume and faster printing speed. So far I’m really pleased with the printer and the prints.

Also, I managed to install Mailu on the Pi Zero, call my ISP to open port 25 and it’s working. So if you want to send me an email, you can do so at mayor@mirza.town. :^)